The online Fish Collection database includes all relevant information for each cataloged lot of specimens. Please note that slightly over 50% of our holdings are presently listed and we are constantly adding records. There are currently only a small number of images associated with catalog records. Approximately 95% of families with freshwater-dwelling species, but less than 50% of those of saltwater-dwelling species are entered into the database and available for online search. Data included in the Locality field are directly from a collector's field notes or from cruise logs. Geographic retrieval fields added by cataloging staff are based on internally defined criteria and may not be geographically accurate. If you spot an error in our data please use the Feedback tab to let us know.
We recommend that you use Search by Field for most queries (e.g. scientific name or specific locality) to achieve best search results. Keyword searches on the record's summary data field can be run from the Keywords Search. Don't know what to search for? Try one of the three sample searches in the Quick Browse panel below.
Common name search is currently unavailable.
See the Help tab to learn more about searching and then exploring your returned results (sorting, exporting, etc.).
Holotypes with Radiographs |
5000175 5000187 5022234 5044754 5022962 5023127 5023741 5046259 5090233 5090258 5024496 5024505 5003060 5049575 5072485 5029261 5029598 5051620 5030204 5030215 5030218 5250237 5030362 5001016 5015386 5011816 5031488 5053677 5053680 5053681 5031651 5031838 5010825 5011442 5012580 5012619 5013032 5013161 5013236 5013560 5079726 5080073 5058811 5036958 5037285 5037287 5037292 5213604 5192201 5038153 5017130 5017131 5039176 5025108 5039196 5039239 5039243 5039721 5062105 5062113 5062138 5018295 5063179 5063186 5085417 5012151 5065740 5013263 5011823 5013179 |
2000 Expedition to Mindoro, Philippines |
5293986 5294568 5294134 5275259 5275320 5293921 5294506 5294362 5294202 5294057 5294513 5294891 5294755 5294114 5294889 5294759 5294115 5294113 5293884 5295034 5294840 5294700 5294099 5293988 5294767 5294543 5294652 5293679 5294561 5294832 5293776 5294667 5294666 5294663 5294504 5294507 5294825 5294662 5294641 5294564 5294695 5293677 5294756 5294060 5294534 5294398 5294542 5293670 5294503 5294690 5294366 5294689 5304938 5294396 5295028 5294764 5295026 5294093 5294644 5294765 5294358 5294092 5294102 5294348 5294563 5304904 5294708 5293966 5293950 5295243 5294762 5294119 5275495 5293894 5294193 5294212 5293970 5293905 5284680 5284711 5294557 5294877 5294935 5304926 5294790 5293676 5294826 5294515 5294126 5293777 5294523 |
Eel Records with Images |
5294568 5294134 5275259 5275320 5293921 5294506 5294362 |
Use the By Field search to find specimen data that match values in specific database fields.
Enter a value or choose one from the dropdown lists.
Click the Search button to initiate a search. Clear resets all fields.
Some lists are linked, so for example, choosing a Country narrows the choices for
Province/State/Territory, and District/County. Dropdown choices also
narrow as you type, for example, typing cypr in the Family field might narrow the choice to Cyprinodontidae.
Check Only Records with Images if you want to restrict the search to records with multimedia content.
You can force an exact search by surrounding your search text in double-quotes. Exact means exact,
the search is case-sensitive and must match the value of the entire field. An exact search will also
take much longer to complete.
You will receive a warning when you enter invalid information in the text fields. For example,
Catalog Numbers are composed strictly of numbers; other characters raise a warning.
Enter your keywords separated by spaces and click Search. Records that match your search
terms will be returned.
You can join terms with OR to match any, e.g. djibouti OR egypt OR eritrea
- You can include the terms image(s) or type(s) to find records that have images or that are type specimens.
To search for Catalog Numbers, replace spaces with dashes, e.g. instead of ABC 12345, use ABC-12345. Do not include any other terms.
Note that searching for common (vernacular) names may not yield the expected results. Associating common names with specimen records is a work in progress.
Keyword search example: ostracion cyanurus egypt
The results of your searches can be displayed in Grid (a sortable, customizable table)
or Gallery View (best for reviewing images). Use the Switch button
to cycle between these views.
You can choose whether to display 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 records at a time.
In Grid View:
You can choose the columns to display from any column's dropdown menu (mouse into
a column header and click the dropdown icon). Under Columns, click the name
to display or hide the field (you do not need to click the checkbox specifically).
You can drag a column header to change its order of appearance in the grid.
You can also drag the edge of a column to make it wider or narrower.
Click in the expansion
column to view the full record.
In Gallery View:
Click the image to view the full record.
See Exporting Results for information on downloading results to, for example,
Excel or Google Earth.
Open the full collection record by clicking the expansion button
in Grid View,
or anywhere within the image frame in Gallery View. Inverse expansion buttons
indicate records with multimedia (typically, images).
In the Record window, metadata for the multimedia content is available when you mouseover the thumbnail.
Clicking the thumbnail opens the content in your browser or other appropriate application.
Record windows may be resized or moved within the browser window.
You may have up to ten Record windows open at any one time.
Sort results in Grid View by clicking the column header (or by choosing Sort from
the column's dropdown menu).
Sort on multiple columns by consecutively sorting columns in reverse order.
For example, to view results sorted by Country and Province/State, first sort by
Province/State and then sort again by Country.
For any column you can choose to sort in Ascending or Descending order.
Export all or selected results by clicking the Export Results as CSV button in the
bottom toolbar in Grid
or Gallery View.
Select individual records for Export by checking the export selection box
(along the left edge of the Grid View grid).
Clear all selections with the Clear Selections button in the bottom toolbar.
Results are exported as comma-separated-values, one record per line, which can be saved
to disk or opened directly with applications such as Microsoft Excel.
You can also export all or selected results to a KML file for viewing with Google Earth or other KML viewers, by clicking the Export as KML button. This button is grayed when all or selected results lack latitude/longitude values.
Here are a few search tips:
Query results are limited to 5000 records. Avoid very general queries that
return very large numbers of records, e.g. searching for perciformes.
You can choose which columns to display in the Grid View of your search results.
Move your pointer to any column header and click on the dropdown arrow. Scroll
to Columns and then check or uncheck column names to show or hide those
columns in the grid.
To create a link to specific records at NMNH provide a querystring for:
where QUERYSTRING is (use a plus-sign to separate case-insensitive terms):
One or more CATALOG NUMBERS, e.g.
The NAME of a specimen, e.g.:
The NAME of a TYPE specimen, e.g.:
One or more STATION NUMBERS (replace punctuation with an underscore), e.g.:
fishes/?sn=tc_40_62 (for Station Number: TC 40-62)
fishes/?sn=2396+2402 (for: 2396 or 2402)
fishes/?sn=su_1+420a (for: SU-1 or 420A)
One or more FIELD NUMBERS (replace punctuation with an underscore), e.g.:
fishes/?fb=rks (for Field Numbers beginning with: RKS)
fishes/?fb=gam_2010_09+gam_2010_10 (for: GAM-2010-09 or GAM-2010-10)
A GENERAL query, searching on any combination of: NAME (qn), FAMILY (fm), TYPE STATUS (ts),
To open the Collections Search to a specific search tab, e.g.
fishes/?ti=2 (Search by Field)
Tabs are numbered left to right, beginning with zero.
It is best to use only letters, numbers, pluses (+), dashes (-), and commas in your querystrings,
and to avoid other characters.
Please use the Feedback page to report problems you find with the data, or with using
these search pages.