Keyword searches on summary fields can be run from the Keywords Search tab. Searches can be run against specific fields from the Search by Field tab. If you don't know what to search for, try one of the sample searches in the Quick Browse list below.
Please note: the Department of Invertebrate Zoology has electronic data on less than a third of our collections and images for even fewer. We constantly add new data and correct records. If you see an error please use Feedback to let us know.
See the Help tab to learn more about searching and then exploring your returned results (sorting, exporting, etc.).
Selected Photographs of Specimens |
6435 32845 32979 56841 74542 107232 143760 200582 204320 284689 284945 284995 285620 285653 285690 285809 287113 287253 287283 288815 288850 337784 342702 348544 355728 365849 366096 366525 367062 367572 368091 368393 368557 369409 369812 369969 378595 393987 410138 469393 483562 508781 523524 523548 531367 531493 531776 540162 543329 543649 550510 552219 553018 553346 553976 557554 561858 568545 568703 569823 569859 570007 570135 570655 571295 571655 572007 572212 572638 572978 573154 573636 575181 647548 737692 779519 779559 779586 782187 782293 782785 783225 783539 783704 783754 784740 788372 796028 796800 797332 808781 817071 818515 879451 888922 |
Gulf of Mexico Invertebrates |
142511 142798 142845 143093 143094 143096 143121 143760 166636 189430 189431 189436 214413 214519 215041 216734 216823 218218 218305 218353 218486 218491 218593 251772 329872 340443 340487 340488 340520 340532 341119 341149 341194 341196 347447 347459 348450 348544 348556 349104 349130 349269 349288 349289 349299 349380 349417 349436 349524 351952 358667 478051 478158 489906 489909 501446 501451 501516 502231 502232 502376 502427 502481 508762 508781 508860 508885 508888 508931 508936 509010 520349 520886 521031 521321 707052 786328 786918 786920 787115 787294 796851 796852 796855 796866 797248 797555 797569 797578 800282 864171 |
Selected NSF Polar Programs Collections Images |
6405 26260 32840 32914 32945 33011 53012 88333 200581 200847 200851 200853 284914 285618 285657 285688 285698 285805 287185 287262 287279 288261 288819 288826 288829 288846 289555 341505 365988 366367 366720 366744 368232 368396 368714 369372 369409 369894 522899 531431 531517 531577 531619 531664 539980 540211 540613 543321 550497 550503 552218 552219 552420 553018 553041 553540 555329 555333 569817 569848 570044 570064 570655 571407 572312 573058 573096 573122 574910 647544 737258 737280 737691 737694 779592 779632 782074 782187 782206 782212 782288 782291 782760 783354 783564 789685 790490 796026 796043 796049 796888 797979 817058 817068 817076 818465 818471 879449 885173 885480 |
Gulf of Mexico Bottom Photos |
790448 790449 790450 790451 790452 791324 791325 791326 791327 791328 791329 791629 791631 791632 791633 791634 791643 791644 791646 791647 791648 791649 791650 791651 791652 791653 791655 791656 791657 791658 791659 791660 791661 791662 791663 791664 791665 791666 791667 791668 791669 791670 791671 791672 791673 791674 791675 791676 791677 791678 791679 791680 791681 791710 791711 791712 791713 791714 791715 791716 791717 791718 791719 791720 791721 791722 791723 791724 791735 791736 791737 791738 791739 791740 791742 791743 791744 791745 791746 791747 791748 791749 791750 791751 791752 791753 791754 791755 791756 791757 791758 791759 791760 791761 791762 791763 791764 791765 791766 791767 791768 791769 791770 791771 791775 791776 791777 791778 791779 791780 791781 791782 791783 791784 791785 791786 791787 791788 791789 791790 791794 791795 791797 791798 791800 791801 791802 791803 791804 791805 791806 791807 791808 791809 791810 791811 791812 791813 791815 791816 791817 791820 791824 791826 791827 791828 791829 791830 791831 791832 791833 791834 791835 791836 791837 791838 791839 791840 791841 791842 791843 791844 791845 791846 791847 791848 791849 791850 791851 791852 791853 791854 791855 791856 791857 791858 791859 791860 791861 791862 791863 791864 791865 791866 791867 791868 791869 791870 791872 791873 791874 791875 791883 791884 791885 791889 791891 791892 791893 791894 791895 791896 791905 791906 791907 791908 791909 791910 791911 791912 791913 791914 791915 791916 791917 791918 791919 791920 791921 791922 791923 791924 791925 791926 791927 791928 791929 791930 791931 791933 791934 791935 791936 791937 791938 791939 791940 791941 791942 791943 791944 791945 791946 791947 791948 791949 791950 791951 791952 791953 791954 791955 791956 791957 791958 791959 791960 791961 791966 791967 791968 791969 791970 791971 791972 791973 791974 791975 791976 791977 791978 791979 791980 791981 791982 791983 791984 791985 791986 791987 791988 791989 791990 791991 791992 791993 791994 791995 791996 791997 791998 791999 792000 792001 792002 792003 792004 792005 792006 792007 792008 792009 792010 792011 792012 792013 792014 792015 792016 792017 792018 792019 792020 792021 792022 792023 792024 792025 792026 792027 792028 792029 792030 792031 792032 792033 792034 792035 792036 792037 792038 792039 792040 792041 792042 792043 792044 792045 792046 792047 792048 792049 792050 792051 792052 792053 792054 792055 792056 792057 792058 792059 792060 792062 792063 792064 792065 792066 792067 792068 792069 792070 792071 792072 792073 792074 792075 792076 792077 792078 792079 792080 792081 792082 792083 792084 792085 792086 792087 792088 792089 792090 792091 792092 792093 792094 792095 792096 792097 792098 792099 792100 792101 792102 792103 792104 794801 794802 794803 794804 794805 794806 794807 794809 794815 |
Use the By Field search to find specimen data that match values in specific database fields.
Enter a value or choose one from the dropdown lists.
Click the Search button to initiate a search. Clear resets all fields.
Some lists are linked, so for example, choosing a Country narrows the choices for
Province/State/Territory, and District/County. Dropdown choices also
narrow as you type, for example, typing plak in the Family field might narrow the choice to Plakinidae.
Check Only Records with Images if you want to restrict the search to records with multimedia content.
You can force an exact search by surrounding your search text in double-quotes. Exact means exact,
the search is case-sensitive and must match the value of the entire field. An exact search will also
take much longer to complete.
You will receive a warning when you enter invalid information in the text fields. For example,
Catalog Numbers are composed strictly of letters and numbers; other characters raise a warning.
Enter your keywords separated by spaces and click Search. Records that match your search
terms will be returned.
You can join terms with OR to match any, e.g. colombia OR panama
- You can include the terms image(s) or type(s) to find records that have images or that are type specimens.
To search for Catalog Numbers, replace spaces with dashes, e.g. instead of ABC 12345, use ABC-12345. Do not include any other terms.
Note that searching for common (vernacular) names may not yield the expected results. Associating common names with specimen records is a work in progress.
Keyword search example: plakinidae canal zone holotype
The results of your searches can be displayed in Grid (a sortable, customizable table)
or Gallery View (best for reviewing images). Use the Switch button
to cycle between these views.
You can choose whether to display 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 records at a time.
In Grid View:
You can choose the columns to display from any column's dropdown menu (mouse into
a column header and click the dropdown icon). Under Columns, click the name
to display or hide the field (you do not need to click the checkbox specifically).
You can drag a column header to change its order of appearance in the grid.
You can also drag the edge of a column to make it wider or narrower.
Click in the expansion
column to view the full record.
In Gallery View:
Click the image to view the full record.
See Exporting Results for information on downloading results to, for example,
Excel or Google Earth.
Open the full collection record by clicking the expansion button
in Grid View,
or anywhere within the image frame in Gallery View. Inverse expansion buttons
indicate records with multimedia (typically, images).
In the Record window, metadata for the multimedia content is available when you mouseover the thumbnail.
Clicking the thumbnail opens the content in your browser or other appropriate application.
Record windows may be resized or moved within the browser window.
You may have up to ten Record windows open at any one time.
Sort results in Grid View by clicking the column header (or by choosing Sort from
the column's dropdown menu).
Sort on multiple columns by consecutively sorting columns in reverse order.
For example, to view results sorted by Country and Province/State, first sort by
Province/State and then sort again by Country.
For any column you can choose to sort in Ascending or Descending order.
Export all or selected results by clicking the Export Results as CSV button in the
bottom toolbar in Grid
or Gallery View.
Select individual records for Export by checking the export selection box
(along the left edge of the Grid View grid).
Clear all selections with the Clear Selections button in the bottom toolbar.
Results are exported as comma-separated-values, one record per line, which can be saved
to disk or opened directly with applications such as Microsoft Excel.
You can also export all or selected results to a KML file for viewing with Google Earth or other KML viewers, by clicking the Export as KML button. This button is grayed when all or selected results lack latitude/longitude values.
Here are a few search tips:
Query results are limited to 4000 records. Avoid very general queries that
return very large numbers of records, e.g. searching for annelida.
You can choose which columns to display in the Grid View of your search results.
Move your pointer to any column header and click on the dropdown arrow. Scroll
to Columns and then check or uncheck column names to show or hide those
columns in the grid.
To create a link to specific records at NMNH provide a querystring for:
where QUERYSTRING is (use a plus-sign to separate case-insensitive terms):
One or more CATALOG NUMBERS, e.g.
The NAME of a specimen, e.g.:
The NAME of a TYPE specimen, e.g.:
One or more STATION NUMBERS (replace punctuation with an underscore), e.g.:
iz/?sn=41_7 (for Station Number: 41 + 7)
iz/?sn=3_2650_3+alvin+utm_vp60 (for: 3-2650-3, or ALVIN, or UTM: VP60)
iz/?sn=haul_bb_199_149_3d+ (for: HAUL BB 199-149-3D)
One or more FIELD NUMBERS (replace punctuation with an underscore), e.g.:
iz/?fb=usarp_is_575_66_sosc (for Field Number: USARP/IS/575/66/SOSC)
A GENERAL query, searching on any combination of: NAME (qn), FAMILY (fm), TYPE STATUS (ts),
To open the Collections Search to a specific search tab, e.g.
iz/?ti=1 (Keywords Search)
Tabs are numbered left to right, beginning with zero.
It is best to use only letters, numbers, pluses (+), dashes (-), and commas in your querystrings,
and to avoid other characters.
Please use the Feedback page to report problems you find with the data, or with using
these search pages.